Construction Progress Inspection

Photography, Video, & Drone Imagery

Track & showcase construction progress

Job Sites

Effortlessly capture your construction site from the sky or ground, using our advanced drone technology for precise, comprehensive visual records.

Whether you need an aerial overview for site logistics or ground-level shots for detailed views, our services cater to your construction needs.

Visual Progress Records

Keep A Comprehensive Visual Record

Our skilled drone operators and top-notch equipment ensure accurate and up-to-date imagery. This comprehensive visual record boosts project management, documentation, and communication, giving you a competitive edge in construction.

Competitive Benefits

Ensure higher construction standards, improve communication, avoid delays and minimize disputes.


Reduce Construction Delays

Gain as much as 30% reduction in construction delays by utilizing aerial photography to monitor progress, identify bottlenecks, and make timely adjustments, resulting in improved project timelines and cost savings.


Improve Stakeholder Communication

Achieve as much as 15% improvement in stakeholder communication and collaboration through the use of professional photography to visually document construction milestones, enhancing transparency and client satisfaction.


Ensure Higher Construction Standards

See up to 25% decrease in rework and quality issues by leveraging aerial photography for accurate site surveys and inspections, enabling early detection of potential problems and ensuring higher construction standards.


Reduce Post-Construction Disputes

Reduce in post-construction disputes by nearly one third through the use of detailed aerial photography documentation, providing clear evidence of project completion and facilitating smoother handovers.

Get a Custom Quote for
Construction Progress Inspection

Each of our prospective projects is reviewed by our in-house imaging experts for site photography, aerial imaging/video, and virtual walkthrough technology.

Fill out the form below to request your custom quote from our experts today:

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